Package or parcel to the USA

✈ delivery in 2 days

Need to send a package or document overseas? New York, Las Vegas or Miami?
In 2 days, the recipient will be signing a receipt for our courier.

You can order a parcel or package to be shipped to America:

in person at DHL ServicePoints
online with submission to DHL ServicePoints or with courier pickup
by phone (courier will come to your door)

Order a shipment

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25% OFF on packages from 1 kg! With promo code DHL25.

Do you know how to order a shipment online with DHL ShipNow? See the simple instructions!

Shipping Prices to the United States:

See examples of prices for some shipments. You can easily find the price for a different size shipment to the US, including the price for the actual packaging, online using the price calculator .

Shipment dimensions Price when hand delivered at DHL ServicePoint Price when ordering online and courier pickup Price when ordering a courier by phone
Envelope (35x27,5 cm; 0,5 kg) 1,800 CZK 2,000 CZK 2,300 CZK
Box 2 (33x18x10 cm; 1 kg) 2,030 CZK with code DHL25 (before 2,700 CZK) 2,180 CZK with code DHL25 (before 2,900 CZK) 3,200 CZK
Box 3 (33x32x10 cm; 2 kg) 2,940 CZK with code DHL25 (before 3,920 CZK) 3,090 CZK with code DHL25 (before 4,120 CZK) 4,420 CZK
Box 4 (33x32x18 cm; 5 kg) 4,710 CZK with code DHL25 (before 6,280 CZK) 4,860 CZK with code DHL25 (before 6,480 CZK) 6,780 CZK
Box 5 (33x32x34 cm; 10 kg) 6,730 CZK with code DHL25 (before 8,970 CZK) 6,880 CZK with code DHL25 (before 9,170 CZK) 9,470 CZK
Box 6 (41x36x37 cm; 15 kg) 8,250 CZK with code DHL25 (before 11,000 CZK) 8,400 CZK with code DHL25 (before 11,200 CZK) 11,500 CZK
Box 8 (54x44x40 cm; 25 kg) 11,170 CZK with code DHL25 (before 14,890 CZK) 11,320 CZK with code DHL25 (before 15,090 CZK) 15,390 CZK

Customs clearance for shipments to the USA:

There is no charge for shipping to the US:

  • if you are moving
  • if you are sending goods between individuals up to €45

Extra customs inspection, which we can help you with, is required if you are shipping:

  • foodstuffs
  • medicines
  • alcohol
  • works of art

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