Package or parcel to Germany

✈ delivery in 1 day

Do you need to send an important document or samples to a business partner in Germany?

Whether we deliver to Berlin, Hamburg or Bonn, the recipient will always receive it the next working day.

You can order parcel or package delivery to Germany:

personal shipment at DHL ServicePoints
online with submission to DHL ServicePoints
by phone (courier will come to your door)

Freight prices to Germany:

See examples of prices for some shipments. To find out the price for a different size shipment to Germany, including the price for the actual packaging, simply use the price calculator online.

Shipment dimensions Price when hand delivered at DHL ServicePoint Price when ordering online and courier pickup Price when ordering a courier by phone
Envelope 1,300 CZK (before 1,530 CZK) 1,470 CZK (before 1,730 CZK) 2,030 CZK
Small box (approx. 33x18x10 cm, max 1 kg) 2,190 CZK (before 2,580 CZK) 2,360 CZK (before 2,780 CZK) 3,080 CZK
Large box (approx. 54x44x40 cm, max 25 kg) 9,380 CZK (before 11,040 CZK) 9,550 CZK (before 11,240 CZK) 11,540 CZK