Package or shipment within the Czech Republic

We deliver door-to-door in 1 business day

      And packages from 1 kg now with 25% discount

We deliver door to door in 1 business day. And packages from 1 kg now with 25% discount

Do you need to send a parcel or document across the Czech Republic?
In 1 day, the recipient will be signing a receipt to our courier.

in person at DHL ServicePoints
online with submission to DHL ServicePoints or with courier pick-up
by phone (courier will come to your door)

Order a shipment

Find DHL ServicePoint

Do you know how to order a shipment online with DHL ShipNow? See the simple instructions!

To get a discount on packages over 1 kg, enter the code DHL25 when ordering shipping or at the drop-off point.

Examples of transport prices in the Czech Republic

Simply check the price of your shipment directly at

Shipment dimensions Price when hand delivered at DHL ServicePoint Price when ordering online and courier pickup Price when ordering a courier by phone
Envelope (35x27,5 cm; 0,5 kg) 450 CZK 650 CZK 950 CZK
Small box (33x18x10 cm; 1 kg) 500 CZK with code DHL25 (before 670 CZK) 650 CZK with code DHL25 (before 870 CZK) 1,170 CZK
Large box (54x44x40 cm; 25 kg) 2,780 CZK with code DHL25 (before 3,700 CZK) 2,930 CZK with code DHL25 (before 3,900 CZK) 4,200 CZK